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ucr monument fall colors

CSE team received best paper runner-up at EDBT

A team consisting of CSE professor Vassilis Tsotras and student Christina Pavlopoulou, together with Prof. Michael J. Carey from UCI has received best paper runner-up at EDBT. The paper is titled " Revisiting Runtime Dynamic Optimization for Join Queries in Big Data Management Systems". This paper considers an old problem and an early solution within...
Professor Zhijia Zhao

CSE team received best paper award from ASPLOS

The paper from CSE Professor Zhijia Zhao and his student received the best paper award at ASPLOS 2022. The paper is titled "JSONSki: Streaming Semi-Structured Data with Bit-Parallel Fast-Forwarding" by Lin Jiang and Zhijia Zhao. Abstract of the paper: Semi-structured data, such as JSON, are fundamental to the Web and document data stores. Streaming analytics...

CSE Professor received NIH's Transformative Research grant

Professor Stefano Lonardi received a new grant from NIH Director?s Transformative Research program, on using AI originally developed for producing deepfake videos to stop future pandemics.

Madhurima Chakraborty wins ACM Student Research Competition

CSE student Madhurima Chakraborty took first place in the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) at the 2021 SPLASH.

CSE professor receives Next Generation Data Scientist Award

Vagelis Papalexakis received the Next Generation Data Scientist Award from the IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics.

ucr roses

CSE team received Special Paper Award

Professor Ramakrishnan's team received Special Paper Award for their paper in the IEEE Cloud 2021 Conference
Campus Trees

CSE Professors received Facebook Research Award on VR/AR

Prof. Jiasi Chen and Prof. Nael Abu-Ghazaleh have received funding from Facebook Research, on the topic of "Location tampering in multi-user augmented reality: attacks and defenses".

UCR-Star receives IT Innovation Award Honorable Mention

UCR-Star (, led by Prof. Ahmed Eldawy, received this award from UCOP in recognition of its contribution to the university's mission in teaching, research, and public service.

CSE Professor received NSF award on Teaching Introductory CS

CSE Professor Frank Vahid received a new NSF grant titled "Title: Teaching introductory CS: Shifting from detecting/punishing cheating to gaining programming behavior insight".

CSE student Sara Abdali selected as 2021 CI Fellow

CSE student Sara Abdali was selected for the highly-prestigious 2021 Computing Innovation Fellowship, funded by the National Science Foundation, to pursue postdoctoral research at Georgia Tech.

Bourns Trees

CSE and MSE to study optimal control of quantum systems

PI Bryan Wong (MSE) and co-PIs Zizhong Chen and Christian Shelton (CSE) received a Department of Energy award.

New NSF award for finding publicly available malware source

A new project led by Prof. Faloutsos promises to provide a massive database of available malware source code. The project is funded by NSF SaTC. Early results:

CSE Professor Eldawy receives the NSF CAREER award

This award will support novel research towards enabling data science on geospatial data for students, domain scientists, and citizen scientists.

Professor Papalexakis earns distinguished teaching award

Vagelis Papalexakis earned the 2021 BCOE Distinguished Teaching Award which recognizes excellence in teaching at the college.

CSE Professor Received Doctoral Dissertation Faculty Award

Prof. Nael Abu-Ghazaleh received the Doctoral Dissertation Faculty Award which is a campus-wide award to faculty who provide excellent mentorship and support of their graduate students

CSE Professor Papalexakis received the NSF CAREER award

The award will support work on autonomous tensor analysis.

ICPC team advances to North American Division Championship

The UCR team, RGBMoon, will be one of nine teams advancing to the ICPC North American Division Championship.

CSE professor Chengyu Song received the NSF CAREER award

Professor Song received the NSF CAREER award for his work on "scalable of concolic execution."

ucr roses

UCR advances in first place in cyber defence competition

UCR team has advanced in regional cyber defence competition (WRCCDC) qualifier round as the first place!
ucr monument fall colors

CSE Team Created the Largest Malware Source Code Database

UC Riverside group (Darki, Rokon, Faloutsos, Islam and Papalexakis) have developed a tool called "SourceFinder" that pinpoints online malware source code repositories such as GitHub with 98% accuracy.
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