The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (CS) Program and the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in Business Applications (CSBA) are accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) of ABET. More on ABET-specific details related to the CS program appear below.
Why does ABET accreditation matter to you?
Simply put, accreditation is value. Reaching into our public, private, and professional lives, accreditation is proof that a collegiate program has met certain standards necessary to produce graduates who are ready to enter their professions. Students who graduate from accredited programs have access to enhanced opportunities in employment; license, registration and certification; graduate education and global mobility.
You can visit the ABET website to find out more about why ABET accreditation is so important to our program.
The ABET accreditation process also give us an opportunity to define Student Outcomes. Student Outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. These relate to the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that students acquire as they progress through the program. The current student outcomes (listed below) where drafted in 2009 by our faculty, in consultation with students, employers, alumni and our advisory board. Because computer science is such a dynamic field we revisit these Student Outcomes once a year to make sure they are still relevant.