
UCR Parallel Algorithm Lab (PAL) Won Multiple Major Research Awards

Group Members from UCR PAL have won multiple research awards recently.  The paper “Efficient Parallel Output-Sensitive Edit Distance”, by (lexicographically) Xiangyun Ding (1st year PhD), Xiaojun Dong (4th year PhD), Yan Gu, Youzhe Liu (2nd year PhD), and Yihan Sun, has been awarded the Best Paper at ESA 2023, one of the major conferences for algorithm research.  Earlier this year, Xiaojun Dong (4th year PhD) won the Best Student Presentation Prize at ACDA 2023.  Finally, Yan Gu’s paper “PIM-tree: A Skew-resistant Index for Processing-in-Memory”, jointly with outside collaborators, has won the Best Paper Runner-Up at VLDB 2023, among 234 research papers.  More information can be found at the UCR Parallel Algorithm Lab:

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