
CSE Professor Amr Magdy and His Students Win Runner-Up for Best Paper Award in ACM SIGSPATIAL 2023

CSE professor Amr Magdy and his CSE students Yongyi Liu and Yunfan Kang won the runner-up for the Best Paper Award at the ACM Conference on Spatial Data (ACM SIGSPATIAL) 2023. Their paper "Scalable Evaluation of Local K-Function for Radius-Accurate Hotspot Detection in Spatial Networks" enables the detection of event hotspots with statistical confidence on large-scale spatial graph datasets. This is the second time Prof. Magdy's papers have been shortlisted among the best ACM SIGSPATIAL papers, following ACM SIGSPATIAL 2019, and the third best papers shortlist award in 2023 after IEEE MDM 2023 and SSTD 2023.

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