
COLLOQUIUM- The Data Landscape: Trends and Directions

Add to Calendar 04/14/2023 11:00 04/14/2023 11:50 America/Los_Angeles COLLOQUIUM- The Data Landscape: Trends and Directions

It has been four decades since the commercial emergence of relational data- base management systems. Since that time, I worked on various database management topics at the birthplace of the relational model and the SQL lan- guage, until my retirement about 3 years ago as an IBM Fellow at IBM Research in Silicon Valley. As someone who continues to be active as an individual con- tributor in the database area, in this talk, I will give a broad overview of the evolution of the data landscape. I will discuss not only research topics but also the trends in the commercial and standards arenas. I will also present market share numbers from data analysts. I intend for my observations to be of value to not only deeply technical people in the research and product spaces but also to management and administration type people who are responsible for data related topics. 

Bourns A125

It has been four decades since the commercial emergence of relational data- base management systems. Since that time, I worked on various database management topics at the birthplace of the relational model and the SQL lan- guage, until my retirement about 3 years ago as an IBM Fellow at IBM Research in Silicon Valley. As someone who continues to be active as an individual con- tributor in the database area, in this talk, I will give a broad overview of the evolution of the data landscape. I will discuss not only research topics but also the trends in the commercial and standards arenas. I will also present market share numbers from data analysts. I intend for my observations to be of value to not only deeply technical people in the research and product spaces but also to management and administration type people who are responsible for data related topics. 

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