CSE PhD student Mohammad Jahanian and Prof. K. K. Ramakrishnan received the best student paper award in the 6th ACM conference on Information Centric Networking
PhD Student Yu-Ching Hu, working with Prof. Hung-Wei Tseng (cooperating faculty of CSE), received Best Paper Honorable Mention Award in the 52nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture
CSE PhD student Weiteng Chen, working with Prof. Zhiyun Qian, received the Applied Networking Research Prize from Internet Research Task Force for his work on the inherent design flaw of Wi-Fi networks.
PhD Students Jinghan Wang, Yue Duan (now a postdoc at Cornell) and Wei Song working with Prof. Heng Yin and Prof. Chengyu Song received the best paper award of RAID 2019.
Vassilis Tsotras and Ahmed Eldawy, professors of computer science and engineering will receive $860,000 as a part of a $2 Million grant from NSF to enrich AsterixDB in collaboration with UCI.
CSE professors as part of a UCR team have been awarded a new 1.2 million NSF grant on "Efficient Collaborative Perception over Controllable Agent Networks"
CSE students and professors's work in OOPSLA 2018 is recognized as a SIGPLAN Research Highlight: BioScript: Programming Safe Chemistry on Laboratories-on-a-chip
CSE graduate student Uday Singh Saini and CSE professor Vagelis Papalexakis receive the best poster award at the 2019 International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security.
The Riverside County Department of Public Social Services received some welcome help from UC Riverside with the 2019 point-in-time, or PIT, count of homeless residents.
Ph.D. students Hoda Naghibijouybari, Shaghayegh Gharghabi, and undergraduate student Katherine Legaspi have been awarded the scholarship to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) 2019.
Assistant Professor Vagelis Papalexakis was mentioned in The Guardian regarding the false information provided YouTube due to inaccurate machine learning results
CSE PhD student Fatemah Alharbi was interviewed by major TV Arabic stations including Alarabiya after discovering a vulnerability in DNS working with Prof's Zhiyun Qian and Nael Abu-Ghazaleh.